A Pair of Davenport Porcelain Botanical Dishes c.1820
A Pair of Davenport Porcelain Botanical Dishes c.1820 of rectangular shape, finely painted with named botanical specimens within matt green borders and gilded rim. Dimensions: 24 cm x 20 cm. Printed marks, "Tall Browallia" and "American Cowslip" painted in red. Fine condition.
*Reff. Bonhams, Sale 13434 - The Joyce Mountain Collection of Davenport Pottery, Porcelain and Glass, 21 Sep. 2005.
New Bond Street ** "A Collector's History of British Porcelain" by John and Margaret Cusbion 1994, page 219.
The dish on the left "American Cowslip" SOLD
"Tall Browallia" dish is available.
Stock Number: PN1170

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